Some brilliant quotes


So, I’d like to thank Parrhesiastic for nominating me for the three day challenge. It’s honestly an amazing blog and you guys should go check it out.

Basically the rules say to:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Post 1- 3 quotes in three consecutive days
  3. Nominate 3 bloggers

I apologize in advance for all the following book quotes.

  • “‘Happily ever after, or even just together ever after is not cheesy,’ Wren said. ‘It’s the noblest, like, the most courageous thing two people can shoot for.'”

This line’s from Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell, a book I recommend for everyone. I’m not sure why I like this so much, it just kinda says that everything can be okay, it doesn’t always have to screw up, it can get better.

  • “When life throws a wrench in your plans, catch it and build an IKEA bookshelf.”

It’s from Binge by one of my favourite YouTubers, Tyler Oakley. It’s a variation of ‘when life gives you lemons, make lemonade’ but wayy better.

  • “He smiles, and he’s made of trouble.”

From Carry On by Rainbow Rowell, it’s not as much inspiring as much as just badass but it’s so good.

So there’s that. Day 1 done. Easier than expected.

I’d like to nominate:

  1. chaotic misery
  2. everything and nothing
  3. living by chapters